Developing autonomous and intelligent technologies for good!

Lori H. Schwartz
2 min readJul 26, 2018

This week on the Tech Cat Show we chatted with John C. Havens who is the executive director of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. John took some time to explain the IEEE Global Initiative as well as the new CXI or the Council on Extended Intelligence.

Here are some paraphrases from the interview:

  1. On Intelligent technologies: “… there’s this idea that they can “learn,” and that means algorithms. These mathematical algorithms that you write with code are designed to, as it were, observe behavior and that could be watching, again air quotes, “watching” a million cat videos and learning what the cat will do in the million and one video because of how it learned, or under the hood algorithms.
  2. There’s a methodology, a design methodology called value sensitive design, which really means that you are actively asking more questions about the end user and how they’ll use your product from a cultural values or a cultural ethical framework
  3. CXI or the Council on #Extended Intelligence is looking at three areas:

1) Extended intelligence : this is realizing that as people we already have systems in one sense that we live in. Meaning your identity as you with your partner, and then you as a mom to your child, and then your friends, and the people you work with.

2)Thinking about data:

It means that we’re now at a pivotal point where we can start to clarify how we want our data curated and then let people know, “This is how I want these terms and conditions to be honored

3) Enlightened indicators.

Are we thinking holistically about how (intelligent technologies) are going to affect the environment and the human state itself?” There’s not really a business motivation to keep humans around in jobs if there’s the opportunity to create smart autonomous and intelligent technology that will do those jobs “better” than the humans. But there are beyond GDP indicators. It doesn’t mean the GDP goes away.

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Lori H. Schwartz

Tech Mom, Catalyst, Strategist and self-professed girl geek, I sit at the center of media, marketing & technology. What a ride we're having!